Call of duty cold war tráiler
Call of duty cold war tráiler

call of duty cold war tráiler

So far as individual modes go, Cold War will revive the franchise’s standard play options while introducing new concepts such as 6v6 VIP Escort operations, 12v12 Combined Arms skirmishes, and a new 40-player, Fireteam mode. Timeline-wise, the multiplayer will take place in the ’80s, but it will be set years after the game’s campaign.

call of duty cold war tráiler

Said narrative will be featured in everything from the equipment multiplayer operatives use to the levels themselves and the objectives you complete.

call of duty cold war tráiler

One of the biggest surprises of the reveal was Treyarch and Raven Software’s insistence that they intend to incorporate a narrative into the multiplayer experience. Activision has revealed the first official details for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War‘s multiplayer, which will attempt to combine some of the best elements of previous Call of Duty games while incorporating some intriguing new elements.

Call of duty cold war tráiler